There has never been question as to if we would return to Ghana, it has always been WHEN will we return to Ghana. We know that God is in control of all things, and we seek to walk in the fullness of His perfect will and timing. We may become inpatient at times, but we know He knows best.
At the beginning of the year we set a return goal date of mid September. Since that time God has been opening many doors in the way of relationships and future opportunities. However, here we are, just 16 weeks out from our departure date, and we are still so far from our financial support goals that things were beginning to look like they were never going to happen.
However, it only takes a moment for God to do a miracle. On Tuesday of this week, we received all of the up front money needed to return to Ghana!! God is so amazing! I love being surprised by His goodness.
We are still in need of monthly financial support. For us to minister in Ghana, the cost is $24,000 annually or $2,000 monthly. If you feel the Lord leading you to join our ministry team by becoming a financial partner, please contact us for more information.
In the mean time, we will continue to move forward and follow the Lord as He prepares the way for us to return to Ghana. The next 16 weeks are going to be crazy busy and very exciting. Be sure to subscribe to our blog or "like" us on facebook, for regular updates.