Accra and Kumasi are poor.
At least by American standards. Both cities have their places of extreme poverty---the
slums of Accra, various neighborhoods of Kumasi. The cities offers opportunities--jobs, modern
conveniences---and so many citizens flock to them. The real poverty lies in the villages found outside
the cities, and the further North or East you go (into Muslim country) the worse it
Last time we were in Ghana, we spent much of our time
touring the Nation, visiting and encouraging the village churches. The first church we visited three years ago
was just a few minutes’ drive from our home.
The church had only half its floor cemented, and its sound system was a
bullhorn attached to an amplifier. (I
don’t even know how that works!)
We went
back two weeks ago, and the church floor was complete, and the sound system
The Lord is blessing them, and now they are looking to bless
their neighbors in Homaenase by building them a school.
The small village of Homaenase has a
population of about 1,000 and is very poor.
They have only a grade school, which means after grade six, if you can’t
afford to go into town to school, your education is complete. There isn’t much to do in this middle-of-nowhere
town. The young men have no purpose and
are wrestles, often causing trouble. There
is very little hope to be found. Without
a miracle, without a move of the Holy Spirit, the cycle of poverty will
continue through the generations.
We visited this little village while my parents were with
us. We passed out candies and small toys, read Bible stories, and sang
songs. It wasn’t much, but something to
break the ice and get the conversation going.
I met a young man.
His name was Gideon. He wants to
be a medical doctor. Without God’s
intervention, he won’t ever get the chance.
Still, I told him to continue to study hard and get good grades. Perhaps by the time he reaches high school, things
will be different.
This is not the first poverty stricken village we have
visited. But the Lord was tugging on our
heart strings, and we knew instantly He had something in mind for them and for
us. We will be back, to do what we can
to love on them, offer hope in the form of job skills and opportunities, and
tell them about our Savior.
As we were getting ready to leave, Tesia noticed a little
boy. He had no shoes. (Most of the kids didn’t.) He had a stubbed toe that looked infected,
and was attracting flies. She pointed
him out to me, but all we had with us was some wet wipes, Neosporin and Band-Aids. Better
than nothing, I guess. We asked if we
could clean his wound, and his mother said yes.
We did our best to clean and bandage it, and prayed for healing. Then, because it was all I had with me, I
gave him my socks. Hoping they would
provide a little protection from the elements while his foot healed.
I walked away broken.
All the worries of things that really don’t matter were gone. What truly matter was right before me; a
little boy with nothing. His lack isn’t
just material things, but knowledge and understanding of the eternal truth about a Savior---when we asked the kids, after our Bible lesson, who had
asked Jesus into their heart; who had given their life to Him not one raised
their hand!
It is moments like these that I am convicted and reminded of
how much I live to satisfy my flesh. It’s
moments like these that stay with you; God’s reminder of His Eternal
purpose---people. We are here on earth
for such a limited time, and the only thing we can do that will last beyond our
death is love and be love by Jesus, and to show others how they can experience
this great love, too.
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