Wednesday, November 5, 2008


My spirit is grived this morning regarding our next president, and even more so by the passive attitude I have encountered from several believers regarding it. It is time for the church as a whole to wake up! This election is about way more than a "democrat" winning. WAY MORE.

But on to other things, because I have already spent my morning "educating" some young voters about their "oh well" attitude.

Even more heavily on my mind is my sister. She is 24 wks pregnant, and at a random ultra sound three days ago they discovered her cervix was opening. It got worse over night, and they transported her to a hospital that has a neonatal center. (I am sure I just butchered that word) Today they are going to sew her up, and hopefully that will fix the problem. She will still be on at least moderate bedrest for awhile. PLEASE keep her in your prayers. That the baby will stay in full term.

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